Pet Memorials With Love...

In Memoriam _______ A special place in our hearts... In Memoriam _______ A special place in our hearts...

Pet Memorials With Love...

In Memoriam _______ A special place in our hearts... In Memoriam _______ A special place in our hearts...

Our Precious Friends…

Grand Paws Pet Sitter has been serving the Plano, Frisco and the surrounding North Dallas metroplex for more than 21 years. During that time, we’ve had to say goodbye to some of our favorite, dogs, cats and other family friends. At our core, all Grand Paws Pet Sitter employees are animal lovers. It comes with great pain whenever we hear of a client losing their companion. This page is dedicated to pet memorials and the sweet animals that our sitters formed close relationships with, during their time together.

“How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.”

– Psalms 104:24

A Letter from the Owner. . .

I started Grand Paws Pet Sitter back in 2001, because it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to find pet sitters who would not only care for my pets, but also love them like I do. My goal is to provide our clients with superior pet care with the utmost integrity and professionalism, while having fun along the way.

 – Owner, Dana McKool

A Letter from the Owner. . .

I started Grand Paws Pet Sitter back in 2001, because it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to find pet sitters who would not only care for my pets, but also love them like I do. My goal is to provide our clients with superior pet care with the utmost integrity and professionalism, while having fun along the way.

 – Owner, Dana McKool

Copyright © 2024 Grand Paws Pet Sitter | Web Design by Tradition Agency, LLC

ALL photos are of our client’s pets!